Sunday, 4 June 2017

3KVA Solar hybrid Installation

I have decided to do another solar installation, this time its going to be 2 installations of a 3KVA Hybrid system.

Hybrid just means its going to be a combination of Solar/Battery and Grid (Eskom), there is not really must else to do, a "Grid Tie" solution is just not feasible, you need to buy such expensive inverters in the end you pay Eskom to give them power.

The end result is going to be 3KVA system that will run some appliances off solar by day and switch to Eskom by night, if there is a power outage at night we will be able to run some things for some of the time. The "Some" of the time is battery dependant so the more you buy the more the "some" can be.

Here is my basic equipment list:

Solar Inverter
Solar Panels
Solar DB Board
DC Trip switches
DC Cables
Inverter DB board
AC Trip switches
AC wiring

Some of the pricing I can already put here long with the suppliers:

Inverter R 2999.00 bought from SetSolar in Epping
300 Watt solar panels R 1735.00 also SetSolar Epping
DC Trip switches I ordered from Feoo in China as before, the costs including shipping are less than 15% of the local price.

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